the meaning of love
Philosophers consider that the word love is not related to a fact or reality, except that since the time of the ancient Greeks, it was a pillar of basic philosophy, as many philosophical theories considered that love is a physical phenomenon that expresses the animal genetic desire for human behavior, and has set out theories Another is that love is a spiritual matter that raises human affairs and raises them to the level of divinity, as the philosopher Aristotle described love as a statement of two bodies and one soul
Love can be defined convention as a strong admirational feeling that a person feels towards a friend or relative or the direction of something, and the most common definition of love is a feeling of admiration for another adult, and romantic attraction to him
All historical facts that sought to justify love and its interpretation are not sufficient at all, because all the characteristics of love can be interpreted and translated by knowledge, but love itself cannot be explained, and some properties of love are not shared and shared by all lovers as the nature of personal love is different
Kinds of love
The concept of love has been defined in many forms and types throughout ancient philosophical history, where the types of love are distinguished from each other by different forms of desires and passions that accompany each of these forms, and with different types of love, it is natural that some types of love are good for a person and his health And others may be harmful to it, and it is worth noting that Western culture is based on four main types of love that were taken from ancient Greek culture and each type was named with a specific Greek word, and these types can be mentioned as follows
Eros: Eros' affection is connected to sexual, passionate, or charming adoration, and this affection is identified with wants, in light of the fact that the individual loves someone else taking into account his sexual engaging quality and allurements, and this sort of affection can cause extraordinary bliss if it has been, and has been, in case of It makes an individual break a heart since it isn't great
Philia: Philia's adoration is the affection for companions and associates, and this sort of affection can likewise be created if darlings remain with one another for significant stretches, and this affection can be called intimate love, and Viella love is viewed as valuable to wellbeing, as it assists with decreasing weight Blood, similarly as individuals who go into connections of Vielha's affection may have less clinical visits, notwithstanding their enduring positive emotions
Storge: Storge's adoration is the affection for guardians for their kids, as it is depicted as the most regular sort of affection, as it is passionate love unrestricted, so guardians don't look to their kids to check whether they merit love or not, for instance, moms keep on cherishing Children of their own, paying little mind to the terrible practices they may take and which none of their companions or life partners can endure
Agape: The love of Agape is the love of the human race in general, as a person tends to sympathize with and tolerate all human beings and forgives their slips, which is a love that is beneficial to health as it reduces people's anger and increases the feeling of happiness and contentment
what is love
It is life, it is the beautiful spirit through which we live, it is the heart from which we derive the necessary strength to live a natural way, away from confusion, fatigue or otherwise, and love is a small word in its size, but it carries with it the most beautiful expressions, and the most beautiful moments that cannot We ignore it, for love leaves a wonderful imprint in the heart that tells us every day that we cannot live alone, and we must be proud of what we have of love and companions, because heaven no matter how beautiful it is, but we cannot live by it alone, and from here it was necessary To mention the most important meanings of love, and love is not necessarily between a man and a woman, but love is what is Fill the hearts with everyone around us in this life, and the meanings of love that we chose to offer you are
Love to share to others
With feelings of respect, to love means that the exchange of others with the highest feelings that a person can carry in his heart, which helps him greatly in a decent life, and love means that you respect people and show loyalty to them, and you try to show pride in your relationship with them, what is more beautiful than a word that comes out of Your mouth praise someone who is not present! Just because you remembered that he was kind-hearted, or that you loved him without there being any interest that brought you together
To cherish your humanity and try to be a lovable person
To cherish your humanity and try to be a lovable person
Mankind is a quality that has been lost among the shocking occasions that the Arab world is experiencing in its life meanwhile, and it was unavoidable that an individual would have the option to safeguard his humankind as he protects his reality, for it is this humankind that causes him to be acceptable, wanting to others around him, so attempt to be Loved by loaning some assistance to the individuals who need it, and obviously you don't trust that others will thank you for an occupation, so go about as though you are working for yourself
Be a good example to others around you
The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - was able to win the hearts of unbelievers before Muslims, and the reason for this was that he was a good example in the wonderful qualities he carries, so that he was called the honest and faithful, and upon him, you should make those around you proud of your capabilities, your strength, and your mind, Your wisdom, and do not hesitate to defend your beliefs if you think they are true and there is no dispute over them
Take initiative and let evil move away from your heart
Take initiative and let evil move away from your heart
Love is to make your true religion the main driver of your life, so stand up and trust in God and take the initiative to offer favor and provide good to the people around you, and do not initiate evil, because one day evil will find your way, and be your companion, and this is what you do not want, so try To gain good and bring it out from within you, and do not meet offense with offense, trust in God and not wait for good from others, and wait only for it from the Lord of the worlds
Be proud of your ability to communicate with others without any embarrassment
Be proud of your ability to communicate with others without any embarrassment
Communication with others is really difficult, especially if individuals do not really know them, because love helps you to show love and affection to those around you, and you are in continuous communication with the people around you, even if you have no connection to them, or they are not equal to you in the financial or social situation, Do not let these things control you, but you are the judge of yourself, and accompany those who want to be close to you
Do whatever you think is good for your life and the lives of others
Do whatever you think is good for your life and the lives of others
Love is to recognize the importance of being respected by others, and to show you love openly, for this matter means that you were able to win their hearts and be loyal friends, so try to provide a good biography of your life, and do not care about the results, because it will always be good, and this is what you aspire to Certainly
Made good and cast it into the sea
In the old days, they described love as a dedication to providing good without return, and without even knowing who provided this good, and this is what made love hold steadfast until today, and it did not disappear as many feelings disappeared. In conclusion, the love that we know today has been scarce because of the weakness that we ourselves have become living with, so that we have become afraid to offer love to those around us so that we do not encounter injustice, unhappy or even poor feelings, which leads to our tiredness, and ultimately the inability to communicate with others The correct format
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